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Rights Of Medication Administration


Author: Bhavya

Student, The ICFAI University Dehradun


When any person is diagnosed with a certain illness then the doctor describes for certain medication to treat that disease or problem the medication comes in different forms and can be taken in different ways they are some medications that can be taken at home by one cell but there are certain drugs or medication which need to be administered by medication provider or specialist in that field taking wrong medicine or medicine prescribed in a wrong way can be very fatal to the life of any person as we know medication error occurs very often nowadays so proper medication administration will help in reducing this errors and will also reduce the number of that which are caused due to improper administration of medication.


The administration of medicine is a common but important clinical procedure a medication is a substance administrator or prescribed by Doctors medical practitioners for the diagnosis cure treatment or relief of a symptom or for prevention of disease the medicine is administered to the patient to identify any disease to prevent the occurrence of disease and two cured the disease administration of medication need to follow some root-like some drug can be given directly in the mouth some need to be injected in the blood so the medication Administration is a person who is then responsible for administering the drug or medicine through the prescribe root their food the nurses should be trained and they should not on their own decide the route of administering the drug on medicine without consulting the prescriber. Nurses are primarily involved in the administration of medication and they can be involved in both work either in dispensing or preparation of medicine.


Ascertaining that a patient being treated is, in fact, the correct recipient for whom medication was prescribed. This is best practiced by nurses directly asking a patient to provide his or her full name aloud, checking medical wristbands if appropriate for matching name and ID number as on a chart. Usually, medication errors occur because of administering medicine to the wrong patient so correct identification of client is a necessity it's the responsibility of nurses to find out the right patient by asking about their details like name, problem or

disease they are facing with for which medication is sought and then comparing with the details given in the patient's folder so to check The authenticity of description by the patient. To identify the right patient, advanced technology can also be used like the Barcode system. The nurses should be aware of the same and similar first and surnames to lessen the chance of committing a mistake while administering medicine to the patient so that medication errors can be prevented.


Before administering any medicine the name of the medicine to be administered should be compared with the name on the medication chart order at least three times firstly checking the medication when it is taken out from storage and then comparing the medication level with that on the treatment chart also checking the date of expiry on the label of medicine to ensure that there is no medication error. The composition of medication on the label should be read to ensure the suitability of medicine for patients. There are some medicines the names of which are phonetically and visually similar so in such a case high degree of precaution is required to determine whether the medicine prescribed and the medicine going to be purchased are similar or not.


It refers to the process of administering medication or drug for treating the patient the root used to give a drug depends on the three main factors which are as follows:

1. the part of the body which is treated

2. second the way the drug would within the body

3. the third is the formula of the drug

The routes of administering medication are as follows buckle held inside the cheek enters given directly into the stomach through some tube, inhalable: breath in through a tube infused injected into the vein intramuscular injected into the muscle with a syringe Nelson given into the nose through a pump or spray oral solved by mouth as tablet or capsule attack given by drops into the ear.

So for every drug, there is a proper channel for administering the drug. There are some drugs which are destroyed by acid when given in the stomach so they have to be given by another process like in junction injection in drama muscular than not should never decide on a root without consulting the prescribed otherwise it would let to medication error and can even prove fatal to the life of patient write those administrative correct amount of medicines is important Giving more or less than the correct those would affect the patient and his element the doses amount more than the amount which is prescribed in the prescription form careful and correct calculation is important to prevent to over or under doses of medicine.


Administering the correct amount of medicine is important, giving more or less than the correct dose would affect the patient and his ailment. The dosage

amount should neither be less nor more than the amount prescribed in the prescription form. The careful and correct calculation is important to prevent over under dosage of medicine.


Drug medication timing is very important with some drugs like antibiotics and antimalaria, a drug to achieve, cure, and resist. Some drugs are administered on an empty stomach and some after meals so these things must be noted and if fulfilled then only drugs are to be administered. The patient should take only that dose that is prescribed by the doctor and at the time which is prescribed in the prescription so that it won't have a bad effect on the health of the patient. For example, in the case of thyroid medicines, the doctors first lay down several tests for determining whether the prescribed medicine will be good for the health of the patient or not.


It is the right of the patient to know about what type of drug, its composition, and any side effects of taking such drug or medicine or any other relevant information about the medication. The Charter on patient rights made this clear. It is the right of the patient and so nurses cannot refuse to provide information regarding any medication if asked by the patient if nurses refused to provide or share information with the client then they could be accountable for disciplinary action taken against them that is also the patient's fundamental right to get information about the drug which is being an administrator to them as this right comes under the and but of Right of Information passed under Right Of Information act 2005. Provide enough knowledge to the patient about what drug he/she would be taking and what are the expected therapeutic and side effects.


Documentation should be done after administering medication and not before. The document should contain every detail about the medicine and ministers in what those at what time through which root whether injected or given directly in the mouth and other specific relevant information. For example the site of an injection or any laboratory value or vital sign that needed to be checked before giving the drug. The document prepared should be precise, clear, elaborative, and should contain all relevant specific information related to the administration of medicine.


The patient has the right to refuse to take any medication but if the medication is highly important to cure the element with which the patient is suffering then the nurse is obliged to explain to the patient the benefit of taking that medicine which is prescribed and also explaining about the consequences of not taking medicine or time if the patient has a genuine reason for avoiding medication then is and suitability of that reason has to be examiner by the doctor if the reason can be allowed to refuse the medicine. There should not be any forceful compulsion from the side of nurses medication administrative son autonomy should be given to the patient to exercise their choice while taking medicine nurses before administering medicine should obtain the consent of the patient if forceful means are used to curve the right of choice then such thing would amount to a violation of the right of choice given under our fundamental right that is right to life and dignity under Article 21 of the Constitution of India 1950. If the patient refuses to take medication because of a lack of understanding then the nurses should explain to them the purpose of administering the medicine and instill their confidence and consent through different methods and then administer medicine.


Secure a copy of the client's history of drug interactions and allergies are the client about the specific allergy they face while taking any medicine and then SS whether that medication can be administered or not the doctor should check their patient whether they actually need the medication or not baseline all the observations made and then decide whether that medication can be given or not.


After administering medicine observing or evaluating the client to ensure the medication is working properly or not or whether any changes are required all these things need to be evaluated. To ensure medication is working in the way that it should be or whether there is any harmful implication of such medicine on the health of the patient.


The rights of medication administration are very important and it should be followed without any excuse hindrance to minimise the occurrence of medication error nurses play an important and unique role in medication administration so they must be provided with proper training and instruction on a guide to clinical medication administration at what a folding Patient Safety loan as the five types not all type of medication can be administering at home or by someone without specialisation in it so doctor nurses and other Health Care providers are trained in how to give medication safely Healthcare are provided training in all this issues also they have to keep in mind the rights of patient while administration the medication medication errors mean error occurred in the process of administering medication due to lack of training given to nurses medical professionals and due to lack of knowledge regarding the right of patient to reduce adult and what improving the medication administration some improvements are required to be made like implementing medication safety Technology educating patient nurses and others.


1. Is it acceptable to use the same syringe on one or more patients while medication administration?

To ensure safety and to minimize medication error it is always advised not to use the same syringe again to give or to give an injection to more than one patient once the syringe is used the syringe and needle both get contaminated and must be discarded.

2. What are the common medication errors in Intravenous Medication (IV) Administration medication administration?

In the case of administering intravenous medication, a high level of care is required as these are the most common Areas where medication errors can occur due to the wrong dosage, or mixture. Other risks involved with word intravenous medication administration include infiltration and inflammation of veins.

3. What are the benefits of shifting from MAR to eMAR?

eMAR is a great alternative to the conventional MAR sheet medication system. The electronic medical record-keeping system helps care homes lower the risks of medication errors by streamlining medication administration processes. It eliminates a lot of paperwork from the medication administration process as a result there are fewer chances of medication errors related to overwriting and illegible handwriting. It also improves the operational efficiency of a care home by reducing the manual work performed by care staff such as reviewing the MAR sheets and counting medications.



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